Detroit Performs a Emmy winning Detroit based PBS weekly show spotlighting artists and performers.

All content: story development, videography, audio and editing of these and 50 more individual segments are done by the Detroit Photographic Company. The final output is in compliance with High Definition PBS Red Book Specifications. More segments:

Shakespeare in Detroit

Shakespeare in Detroit

From PBS News Hour: Amy Sacka

From PBS News Hour: Amy Sacka

Brian Day, Photographer

Brian Day, Photographer

From PBS Newshour : Gary Zimnicki

From PBS Newshour : Gary Zimnicki

Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe- Web Ad

Dirty Dog Jazz Cafe- Web Ad

Earlier this month, Detroit Public Television PBS produced a feature piece on the Carr Center for their Emmy award winning series “Detroit Performs”. The piece, done by Roy Feldman, told a great story of a very active building in Downtown Detroit that is not readily recognized nor its work well known in the community. To say it had immediate and long lasting impact would be an understatement. A few days before the airing, I had the opportunity to show the piece to the Director of the new Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture. He was immediately struck by the possibilities and a dialogue has begun with the goal of establishing the Carr Center as an outpost for the Museum with the Center providing special programming at the Museum, assisting to tell the Detroit story to the world. Two nights ago at the opening of a new exhibition in our galleries several guests indicated that they were there because they saw the piece on Detroit Performs and wanted to come and enjoy “Your Home for the Arts in Detroit” for themselves.
— Oliver Ragsdale Jr., President the Carr Center, Detroit, Mi.

                         Commercial Video

is routinely produced by Detroit Photographic for clients such as General Motors, the Kresge Foundation, U.S.Department of Energy and many others. 

Respect for client copyright forbids displaying it here (we will be happy to provide links upon request).